MoSRT District 1 Fall Conference October 23-24, 2015 to be held at St Lukes Hospital of Kansas City on the Plaza.
There is limited seating so registration is in advance only. No registration accepted at the door. No registration will be confirmed without cash, check or money order. When people “No Show” it costs us money making these low cost conferences difficult to host!
Deadline for registration is October 16th, 2015 cancellation is one week prior to conference. All requests for refunds must be made in writing and ARE subject to a $40.00 handling fee.
For questions, please email:
Diane Hutton, District 1 President:
Dustin Ward, District 1 Rep:
Marilyn Lewis Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer:
Friday, October 23, 2015
1600-1700 Welcome and announcements plus evening meal
1700-1750 1st session: Dr. William Smith
1800-1850 2nd session: Jason Lee
1900-1950 3rd session: Charles Stanley
2000-2050 4th session: Tara Lawson
2100 Conclusion, see you tomorrow!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
0700-0800 Welcome and breakfast
0800-0850 1st session: Pam Fulmer
0900-0950 2nd session: Pam Fulmer
0950-1015 Morning Break
1015-1105 3rd session: Steve Hale
1110-1205 4th session: Chris McElroy
1205-1300 Lunch
1300-1350 5th session: Dr. William Smith
1400-1450 6th session: Toni Caldwell
1500-1550 7th session: Dustin Ward
1600-1650 8th session: Kelley McDonald