82nd Annual Conference - 2014


Wednesday - April 2, 2014

Radiography: An International Perspective    
Dr. Michael Ward, R.T.(R)FASRT,
Associate Dean and Professor, Barnes - Jewish College



Essentials of Pediatric Fluoroscopy
Michael Odgren, BS, RPA, RT(R)(CT)
ASRT Vice Speaker, HOD

Thursday - April 3, 2014

Diagnostic Imaging: Navigating the Possibilities
Michelle Masengill, MS, RT(R), RDMS, RVT, Asst. Professor, Cox College
Jolene Powell, MSOL, RT(R), RDMS, RVT, Instructor, Cox College


Medical Legal Aspects of Radiology and Medicine
Dr. Michael Ward, R.T.(R)FASRT, Associate Dean and Professor, Barnes-Jewish College


The Student-CI Relationship:  Why It Is So Important
April Young, MS, Ed., RT (R) - State Fair Community College



MRI Joints/ Post Arthrogram Imaging
Marcey Kennedy, MA, ARMRIT - Program Director, Instructor St. Louis University

Assessing Your Medical-Legal Environment
Maggie Neustadt, J.D. - St. Luke's Hospital

CT History and Physics:  40 years of Innovation
Dr. Tom Hanson. DVM, MS, RT(R)(CT) University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine

Wiki for Clinical Teaching
Crystal Botkin, MPH, CNMT, PET Asst. Prof. 
Clincal Coordinator St. Louis University

Advanced Practice for Imaging Professionals 
Tad Morris, BS RT (R) (CT) Instructor, Cox College

CT Advanced Data Processing and Case Review
Dr. Tom Hanson. DVM, MS, RT(R)(CT) University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine


The Art of Pediatric Imaging
Debra Hewing, MBA, CNMT, RT(N), NCT, CCRP, Program Coordinator, Instructor St. Louis University

Relationship-Based Care
Patrick Murphy, BS, RT(R)(CT) - Assistant Director, Memorial Hospital, Belleville, IL

Diagnosis and Management of Alzheimer's Disease
Austin Turner, BS, CNMT, PET, RT(MR) Clinical Coordinator/Instructor, MRI Program St. Louis University

Friday - April 4, 2014

Crime Scene Investigation of Genocide in a War Zone
Jim Kister, BA, RT(R) Radiologic Resources St Louis, MO


Behavior Based Interviewing
Benjamin Morris, MSEd, RT(R)(T)(CT) Director, Cox Medical Center - Branson

Resumes, References, and Cover Letters
Kacie Craig, BS, RT(R) - Instructor - Cox College


A Journey Through Breast Cancer
Norman L. Hente, MS, RT(R) FASRT - BarNor Services

Federal Regulation of Computed Tomography Patient Dose Optimization
Tad Morris, BS RT (R) (CT) - Instructor, Cox College


Quality Control: Not Just a Good Idea, It's the Law
Steve Hale, PHd - Integrated Science Support, Inc


Bare Bones, Best Practice vs Common Practice
Jason Young, BS, RT(R) - Instructor - Cox College


Navigating Post Graduation
Abby Tate, BS, RT(R)(VI) - Interventional Technologist, University of Nebraska


Do You Hear What I Am Saying? Interpersonal Communications in Clinical Education
Carla McCaghren Allen, PHd-c, RT(R)(CT) - Assoc. Clinical Prof., University of Missouri


Leaders Taking Their Team in a New Direction
Tammy R Homan, MSRS, RT (R)(M)(CT) Imaging Director - Southeast HEALTH

Saturday  - April 5, 2014

Rethinking Undergraduate Education in Medical imaging: Radical Change to Survive
Dale Collins MS, RT(R)(M)(QM)RDMS, RVT - Asst. Prof. University of Arkansas

Advocacy: Where Everyone is a Winner!!  
Diane Hutton BA, RT(R) Heartland Regional Med Ctr
Casey Scott, RT(R) - Wright Memorial & Hederick Medical Center St Luke's Hospital


Personality Types & Stress Response in the Workplace

Ways to Improve Communication, Motivation and Time Management
Dustin Ward, RT(R)(MR) - St Luke's Northland

Ultrasound Evaluation & Treatment of Venous Insufficiency
Dale Collins MS, RT(R)(M)(QM)RDMS, RVT- Asst. Prof. University of Arkansas