84th Annual Conference - 2016


Wednesday - April 6, 2016

Who Me? Breast Cancer Can Happen to Anyone!   Ethics and the RT   Patient Navigation: A Patient’s Journey Through Breast Cancer
Catherine Kukec RT (R)(QM) CN-BI FASRT  
Gateway Spine & Pain, Bolingbrook, IL



A Roll of the Dice: Did You Get Stuck with “That” Technologist?
<--Janet Akers BS RT(R) (M) 
Program Director, Jefferson College
Diane Hutton BA RT (R)-->
MoSRT President, LAC Chair

Vampires and Radiology
Julie Ostowski RT (R)
Instructor Radiography Program Southwestern Illinois College

Thursday - April 7, 2016

Spin for a Legislative Update 2016! 
Diane Hutton BA RT (R)  
MoSRT President, LAC Chair

Physical Principles of Radiation & Radiation Protection 
Thaddeus Morris, M.S.Phys. RT(R)(CT) 
Professor, Cox College

What Technologists Need to Know About Depression
Coretta Schroer, MS, RT(R) 
Radiographer, Educator, Lecturer

Biological Effects of Radiation
Thaddeus Morris, M.S.Phys. RT(R)(CT) 
Professor, Cox College

The Impact of Lymphedema Following Breast Cancer Treatment
Jane Armer, PhD, RN, FAAN, 
Professor, MU Sinclair School of Nursing

Exploring Modalities after X-ray: A Basic Look at MRI
Casey Fiegly, RT(R)(CT)(MR),
Shared Medical Services, St. Luke’s Health System

Coming On Down with Emphysema
Alan Schiska, MS, RT (R)
Associate Professor, Missouri Southern State College

Come on Down to the Student Panel! 
Diane Hutton, BA, RT(R) 
MoSRT President, LAC Chair

Developing Leadership through Program Planning:  Inspiring People to Get Stuff Done
Carla Allen, PhD.-c, RT(R)(CT) 
Associate Clinical Professor, Univ. of MO

Getting Involved in the MoSRT
<-- Joan Hedrick, MS, Ed., RT(R), FMoSRT
Prog Dir,  St. John’s School of Radiography  
Barbara Hente, B.A., RT (N), CNMT, FMoSRT, FASRT -->

Come On Down for Your Spin on the Digital Showcase Showdown
<-- Ashlyn Hull, MS, Ed., RT(R)(CT)
Prog. Dir., Rad Sci, Avila Univ., 
Sarah Sanford, MS, RT(R)(CT) -->
Clinical Coord, Rad Sci, Avila Univ

Friday - April 8, 2016

The Use of Radiology in a Medical Examiner's Office
Dr. Steven Tom Hensley, F-ABMDI, 
Chief of Forensic Op & Invest., KC, MO

The Psychological Effects of MRI: Changing Patient Experience
     Dustin W. Ward R.T. (R)(CT)(MR), ARRT

The Foggy Facts About Electronic Cigarettes
Ben Morris, M.S., Ed.,RT(R)(T)(CT)
Director, Cancer Center, Cox-‐‐Branson

Patients and the Fear Factor
Marcey Kennedy, MA, ARMRIT, RT(MR), 
Prog. Dir., MRI, St Louis Univ.

Ethics and the RT
Catherine Kukec, RT (R)(QM), CN-BI, FASRT, 
Gateway Spine & Pain

One & Done Breast Cancer Treatment: Intraoperative Radiation Therapy (IORT)
Dennis Biggs, BS, RT(R)(T)
Patient Care Associate, Mercy Medical Center

Three New Views on the Radiation Worker
Kaci Studer, MPH, RT(R)
Radiol Trans Mgr, Indiana Dept. of Homeland Security

Patient Navigation:  A Patient’s Journey through Breast Cancer
Catherine Kukec, RT (R)(QM), CN-BI, FASRT
Gateway Spine & Pain

Making the Best of a Difficult Situation:  Dealing with Difficult People
Nanci Burchell, MBA, CNMT, RT (N) FSNMTS, RSO, Children’s Mercy 

Lifelong Learning or A Life Spent Learning:  A Look Forward Through the Past (Murray Lecture)
Jason Young, BS, RT(R)
Instructor, Cox College