Attention Radiography Programs
In an attempt to streamline the membership process and create less paperwork for you and your students we have created a way for you to email the Membership Chair with the students information INSTEAD of them filling out our regular membership form.
Step 1: Download the Excel file and fill in required fields (attachment is HERE)
Step 2: Email completed Excel sheet to
Step 3: Mail payment to : MoSRT -Janet Akers-Montgomery, 5840 Busiek Road, Farmington MO 63640.
If your accounting department requires an invoice for payment, please indicate that in the email and you will receive and invoice for payment.
Questions, thoughts or concerns can be sent to our Membership Co-Chairs by clicking their name below. Thank you.
Brandi Grindel
Membership Co-Chair
William “Joe” Oller
Membership Co-Chair