LAC Update - May 2019

Diane Hutton BA, RT(R) ARRT

Legislative Activities Chair

Good afternoon colleagues,

As you know, our bill was unable to make it to the floor of the Senate and in the House, it never made it out of committee. However we have been able to position ourselves in such a way that conversations will begin with all concerned groups soon; I am hopeful that these discussions will help us to clear up any misconceptions that our opposition currently hold.

We were able to place an amendment onto SB 275 by killing the HCS, I have included the amendment below, then readopting the original bill and placing our amendment on which forces all groups to come to the table for discussions. There are time-frames plus details included in the amendment that specify 'who, what, where' etc of those who are included. The main opposition group, CRNA's are included in the discussions. 

As of now, we are waiting for the governor to sign the bill. I know most of you are aware of the tornado here in Jefferson City so he has been traveling the affected areas; however he did sign SB 126 yesterday (the abortion bill) so hopefully he will get to these other bills soon. He has until July 15 to sign all bills on his desk with the bills being in effect August 28, 2019.

I want to mention a few of the positives that have come out of this past session. We continue to make strides within the Capital itself. More and more legislators understand what we are trying to accomplish and why. I think the most positive movement I see is we are also building advocates!. More technologists and students as well as many others outside the profession are becoming involved and want to carry forth our message to their legislators. It is fantastic to see!

I wanted to give you all a heads up. I am really looking forward to sitting down with all the groups plus the legislators that will be assigned to have an open discussion. We will need to get a report to the general assembly by January 15, 2020. I am hopeful we will be able to work out language that we all can agree on; as long as everyone places patient care first in Missouri!!.

On a side note, I am planning on having our RT in JC advocacy day in February 2020. Be thinking of that so you can place on your calendars; if there are specific days in February that do not work for you, let me know. I will schedule the HR at the Capital soon.

It is my continued pleasure to be your voice in Jefferson City at the Capital. Please let me know if you have any questions,  Diane.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Hutton BA, RT(R) ARRT

Legislative Activities Chair

Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists


This provision establishes the Joint Task Force on Radiologic Technologist Licensure, which shall review the current status of licensure of radiologic technologists in Missouri, and develop a plan to address the most appropriate method to protect public safety when radiologic imaging and radiologic procedures are utilized. The plan shall include certain elements set forth in the act.

The task force shall be composed of members set forth in the act, including two members of the Senate and two members of the House of Representatives.

The task force shall meet within 30 days of its creation and select a chair and vice-chair, and shall submit a full report of its activities to the General Assembly on or before January 15, 2020.

LAC Update - 17 Mar 2019

Diane Hutton BA, RT(R) ARRT

Legislative Activities Chair

Good afternoon colleagues,

I wanted to provide an update on where we are with our legislative process.

Monday, April 11, 2019 Senate Bill (SB) 303 had its hearing before the Professional Registration and Licensure committee. Senator Jeanie Riddle, committee chair and bill sponsor, presented the bill.

Janet Akers-Montgomery, April Young, and I were present to testify in favor of the bill. I want to thank these ladies for helping with the testimony portion! Testifying before the committee can very intimidating so I appreciate them stepping into a new world. The whole process is very eye opening!

Let me remind you that during a hearing, there are three opportunities to testify before the committee. In support of, in opposition of, and for informational purposes. The informational option is someone who does not want to go on record as being in opposition of the bill but can provide some information that might help the committee in their decisions.

There was only one person there to testify in opposition of the bill. I say ‘only’ because in sessions gone by, we have had many more there to oppose the bill. This is a known group and we continue to work with them to find language that will still enforce our desire for educationally prepared and clinically competent individuals providing medical imaging services in Missouri. There was one individual there for the information only portion. We also will continue our work with this group to find a compromise equal for all.

All in all, a good day. The House bill has been referred to committee but yet, no hearing date set.It is about this time of the year that I begin to feel the crunch of such a short legislative time. You probably remember that Missouri’s legislative session runs from January till the middle of May.Seems like a good amount of time until you start to see a bill go through the system and how long it takes!

I will keep you informed of our progress. Up next, I am hopeful we can get the House bill on the committee schedule and the Senate bill gets a positive vote in committee to get it out to the floor for consideration.

Please continue your contacts with your legislators, especially since we have had some movement of the Senate bill. Use the MoSRT website or the ASRT website to locate your legislators and send them an email. During our last board meeting, Dustin Ward had a great idea!

He suggested members of the board contact their legislators and tell them that someone (me) will be by to represent them as a constituent to see if they have any questions or concerns that can be addressed. As you all know, I live very close to Jefferson City now and can stop by to speak on your behalf. So please let me know if I can do that for anyone; I love going by the Capitol to talk with legislators!!

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Hutton

Conference Registration continues!

Hello everyone,

As a reminder, conference registration is still underway. A copy of our Conference Package can be found HERE. Don’t forget to book your hotel room by clicking HERE, or you can call the Holiday Inn reservation line, but be sure to mention that you are booking with the MoSRT in order to take advantage of our negotiated discount rate.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the MoSRT Board members.

Have a great rest of your weekend!

William “Joe” Oller R.T(R)(CT)

Webmaster -

Senate bill (SB) 303 has been filed and received its first read!

Missouri imaging professionals, Senator Jeanie Riddle has filed our most recent bill. Senate bill (SB) 303 has been filed and first read. Please begin spreading the word to your colleagues and call your Senators and Representatives to ask for their support of this most important issue. 

On February 12, join us for RT in JC, an annual advocacy event for all Missouri imaging professionals to visit with your legislators in person to ask for their support of the bill. 

Right now, in Missouri, there are more state licenses that oversee anyone dealing with your hair than there are with anyone who exposes you and your family to radiation! I hope to see you on February 12 in Jefferson City to express your interest in making sure Missouri patients have safe Radiology procedures. This is your opportunity to ask your legislators to support a bill that is in the best interest of public safety.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Hutton

Missouri Society of Radiologic Technology

Legislative Activities Chair