The Student Intern deadline has been adjusted once more.

Due to a change by the ASRT, the Henry Y. Cashion Student Intern application is now due by November 30th, 2021. The website and the application itself have been updated to reflect these changes. Please email for any additional questions. Thank you!

Don't forget, you must complete BOTH the MoSRT application and the ASRT Student Leadership application no later than November 30th, 2021.

Urgent! Update to Henry Y. Cashion Student Intern application due date!

Hello everyone!

I am the Student Intern Chair for the Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists. Some of you may be familiar with my name/know me, some of you may not!

The application process for the Student Intern Chair and The ASRT SLDP has been revamped. To keep it simple, the MoSRT will still select the two recipients for the ASRT SLDP and one recipient for the MoSRT Student Internship.

To align with the ASRT's application process, we had to advance the deadline from November 30th, to September 30th. This was a last-minute change, I apologize.

Students will still have to complete the application on ASRT's website ( in addition to the application found on our website (

We have had such great applicants in the past and I look forward to our next recipients!

If you have any questions, you can email me HERE.

The results of the 2021 special election.


Hello everyone,

I am pleased to announce the results of the MoSRT’s special election. William “Joe” Oller R.T. (R)(CT) has been elected as President-Elect. Now that Joe is President-Elect, this leaves a vacancy in the role of Vice-President. I have appointed Dustin Ward as Vice-President for the remainder of the 2021-2022 term. Congratulations to both and thank you for your continued dedication to the MoSRT.

April Young M.Ed. RT(R)


MoSRT Members,

We have a vacancy in the office of President-Elect. In accordance with our bylaws, we will be holding a special election to fill this position on our Board of Directors. First, we will have an open call for nominations from the membership. This nomination period will be open from now until Saturday, July 24th.

President-Elect serves a term of one (1) year as President-Elect, President, and Senior Board Member, for a total term of three consecutive (3) years.

Minimum Qualifications for President-Elect:

  • Must be a member of the MoSRT and the ASRT

  • Must have previously served as an officer or as a committee member on the MoSRT Board of Directors

  • Must have the time and availability to attend all MoSRT Board meetings and the annual conference to allow them to become familiar with the activities of the MoSRT, make all preparations necessary for elevation to the office of President.

Please submit nominations to Dustin Ward,, Nominations Committee Chair. Nominations will be accepted until 7/24/21 @ 23:59.

Please continue to watch your email in the days following that deadline for more information on this special election and your link to the electronic ballot for voting.

Best Regards,

Dustin Ward R.T.(R)(CT)(MR), MRSO(MRSC™️)
Nominations Chair
Audio/Visual Chair
Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists