Technologist Scholarship

There will be one (1) MSRT Technologist Scholarship available for radiologic technologists, at the discretion of the MSRT board, who meet the necessary qualifications.  The scholarship will be awarded for an amount of $700. This will be presented at the MSRT annual conference.


The candidate must:
1.  Be a current member of the MSRT
2.  Provide proof of current ARRT registration or registration with a nationally
     recognized certifying agency in the radiologic sciences

The recipients are encouraged to attend the annual conference (banquet) to receive their award. Note: The recipients will be notified of their selection at least two weeks in advance of the conference, and registration fees will be waived for day the scholarship award is given.

Application Procedure:

  1. Complete the electronic technologist scholarship application form at
  2. Submit two (2) valid email addresses of recommenders.  These recommenders will be asked to fill out a recommendation form regarding applicant. *Please make recommenders aware of your application.
  3. Upload two (2) versions of your personal essay to the MSRT website.  This must be done at the same time as the application is filled out.
  4. All applicants MUST be a current member of the MSRT.  Membership status will be verified with the membership chair upon receipt of application.  Your membership category should directly correlate with your membership status.  If you hold an imaging/therapy credential(s) you are considered a technologist and should apply under the technologist scholarship.
  5. Upload proof of current ARRT registration or other registration with a nationally recognized certifying agency in the radiologic sciences.

Directions for Personal Essay:
Essay content must include the following information: 

  1. How will this scholarship award benefit your professional development?
  2. What is your current financial status or need?
  3. Career goals and personal academic achievements
    • What have you done to go above and beyond as a professional?
    • What leadership roles have you accepted?
    • Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
  4. Professional Motivation
    • Why did you choose the Radiology profession?
    • What impact do you want to have on your profession in the future?
    • How do you plan to support the MSRT in the future?


  1. Essays should be typewritten and five hundred words (500) or less in length.
  2. Essays must be double-spaced, 12pt font, Times New Roman.
  3. Essays must be submitted in a specific format, either pdf, Microsoft Word, or Rich-text.  Other word processing formats are not permitted.
  4. Essays should be free of grammatical and spelling/punctuation errors.  
  5. Two (2) copies of the essay must be uploaded to the MSRT.
    • The first copy will include the following:
      • Author’s Name 
      • Employer
      • Essay
    • The second copy for judging purposes will be free of all personal identification. 
      • Essay ONLY
        • *Inclusion of specific names and references to personal information in the body of your essay can put you at risk for disqualification.  Things not to include are: 
          • employer name 
          • facility names 
          • colleague and peer names
          • prior employment/employer names
          • references to geographical location
          • any other information that could identify you personally

Please fill out the application form and upload your CV, proof of ARRT registration and essays by:

January 31st  (11:59pm)  to:

  • Submitting well in advance of the January 31st deadline will ensure that if there is a problem with submission, ample time will be available to remedy the situation.  Submitting at the last minute may put you at risk for disqualification.

Applications after this date will be disqualified.  NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE MADE!

Questions? Contact:  If you do not get a reply back within at least 2-3 days please contact the Webmaster.

Click HERE for a downloadable copy of the Technologist Scholarship Rules.

The Technologist Scholarship Application will be posted here in the fall in 2017.