We have a vacancy in the office of President-Elect. In accordance with our bylaws, we will be holding a special election to fill this position on our Board of Directors. First, we will have an open call for nominations from the membership. This nomination period will be open from now until January 25, 2023.
President-Elect serves a term of one (1) year as President-Elect, President, and Senior Board Member, for a total term of three consecutive (3) years.
Minimum Qualifications for President-Elect:
Must be a member of the MoSRT and the ASRT
Must have previously served as an officer or as a committee member on the MoSRT Board of Directors
Must have the time and availability to attend all MoSRT Board meetings and the annual conference to allow them to become familiar with the activities of the MoSRT, make all preparations necessary for elevation to the office of President.
Please submit nominations to Dustin Ward, dustin.ward@mosrt.org, NominationsCommittee Chair. Nominations will be accepted until January 25 @ 23:59.
As a reminder, January 31st is the entry deadline for many of our Annual Conference competitions. It is strongly recommended that you submit before the deadline in case you run into any technical difficulties. If you have any comments, questions or concerns, do not hesitate to reach out to any of our Board members and they will be happy to assist you! — at Holiday Inn Executive Center-Columbia Mall.
Please continue to watch your email in the days following that deadline for more information on this special election and your link to the electronic ballot for voting.
Best Regards,
Dustin Ward R.T.(R)(CT)(MR), MRSO(MRSC™️)
Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists
Nominations Chair