Diane Hutton BA, RT(R) ARRT
Legislative Activities Chair
Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologist
July 23, 2019
Hello Colleagues,
I want to provide an update on what is going on legislatively in Missouri. As you are aware, SB
303 as well as our HB both failed in various stages of the legislative session. However, the good
news is we were able to attach an amendment to a Senate bill, SB 275. Let me explain a little
about what that means.
SB 275 was a fast-moving bill; we were able to place an amendment onto this bill which will
create a Radiology task force. This task force will bring together a group of individuals to work
on language which will be acceptable to all concerned groups; to include two Senators plus two
Representatives as well as representatives from every group that has, in the past, opposed our
bills. Even though SB 275 has been signed by the governor, the bill does not actually take effect
until August 28, 2019. So, work cannot begin until then. I have already spoken with Senator
Saters’ office; the sponsor of the bill our amendment is on, to begin planning on next steps.
I am very excited to begin working with our opposition groups, I feel once we all come to the
table, we can hopefully agree on language for the betterment of patient care within Missouri.
Keep watch on this website, I will continue to post updates here. As the legislative session begins
in January, I think we will be able to go to our Senate and House sponsors with language we
have worked out during the task force.
I would also like to let you know that while I was at ASRT annual conference, during the ARRT
update I usually like to get up and publicly thank ARRT for their continued support etc. After I
thanked them, Dr. Larson stated that ARRT will continue to support Missouri in our advocacy
efforts as long as it takes! I was absolutely thrilled; as you know ARRT employs our lobbyist for
us. That is truly putting your money where your mouth is! This is
Also, keep a watchful eye on mosrt.org for updates on our annual advocacy day in February. RT
in JC has been a great way to bring Missouri medical imaging professionals to the Capital to
speak with your legislators to ask for their help.
Thank you for everything you do; it is my privilege to work with Missouri advocates, Diane.