Nominations for the 2021-2022 election are still open!

Greetings Members, 

Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists Nominations period for the 2021-2022 election is open. We are seeking nominations for Board of Directors positions of Secretary, Vice-President, President-Elect and Jr. Delegate to the ASRT. 

All board positions require active MoSRT and ASRT membership. 

President-Elect nominees must have held a prior office on the MoSRT Board of Directors. 

ASRT Delegates must have served as an officer on the Board of Directors or as a committee member in the MoSRT within 5 years of the election and have been a voting member of the ASRT and MoSRT for 2 years immediately preceding nomination. 

Please submit nominations to the MoSRT Nominations Chair, Dustin Ward, at . If you have questions, or would like to know more about any of the positions, please also send them to the above email. All nominations must be submitted, accepted and a nominations acceptance form must be returned to the chair no later than 10/23/20 in order to be reviewed and verified for inclusion on the ballot for our November election. 

Dustin Ward R.T.(R)(CT)(MR), MRSO

Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists 

Nominations Committee Chair

A letter from a Missouri citizen concerned with radiology healthcare


My fellow Missourians,

I would like to inform you of something that has been and still is in effect in Missouri. Are you aware that anyone in Missouri can perform your medical imaging studies or administer radiation therapy treatments without any prior education? Yes, the individual who exposes you to radiation while you are having x-rays may be someone who has had no prior education or experience in minimizing radiation exposure to patients and others. Radiology services are of value to you, as the patient, and to your ordering provider when trying to diagnose your condition. However, if used incorrectly by untrained personnel, the radiation used to obtain these images or treat cancer can cause damage.

Missouri is one of only five states who currently do not have any standardized education for individuals who utilize ionizing radiation. We must provide quality and safety when we talk about the use of ionizing radiation. Why is that? Like most states, Missouri needs a state licensure that will ensure all Missourians to safe Radiology services.

There are many places in Missouri, mostly larger cities, who have a registered Radiologic Technologist who has had at the least two years of training, These professionals are aware of limiting the amount of radiation you are exposed to during your procedures. These are highly trained professionals who know the exposure parameters needed to acquire a quality imaging study, with the least amount of radiation to provide your physician with the information they need to help you. However, there are some places in Missouri, mostly in our rural settings, where the person who takes your insurance information may also be the person who takes your x-rays. This is not the quality images that are needed for the ordering provider to see what needs to be done for your treatment.

Having Radiology services where needed is key to high quality healthcare. I do not want to prohibit the rural areas from this great service. I want to make clear that even if you have some imaging studies done in your rural community you deserve to have these images performed by someone who is educated and competent to take these images. I know from experience, while growing up and living in a very rural communities, that Radiology services are an essential service, I provided such services myself as well as utilized them for my own family. I feel that education should be required for any personnel who are currently providing Radiology imaging, even in these rural areas. This education is already in place and available online.

As you have probably figured out, licensure for medical imaging and radiation therapy professionals needs to be mandated by our legislators in Jefferson City. Our legislators have been slow in allowing a bill, which has been in the Capital for almost six years, to pass through. Many of our legislators feel this would be a detriment to allowing people to get into the field of Radiology, but have not voiced a concern about the harm that can be done if medical imaging is performed by individuals who are not properly educated. A bill is needed in Missouri which will allow safe and technically quality images to be produced. And the answer to this is education.

Our bill sponsor is aware of the importance of education in the medical field. Representative Kathy Swan is herself a healthcare professional, she knows the value of providing safe exams, especially where patient care comes into play. I challenge you to ask your legislators why they feel that Missouri patients do not deserve educationally prepared and clinically competent individuals providing radiology and radiation therapy services, regardless of where you live in Missouri. Radiology courses online can be done very easily, I feel this is the least we can do for all in Missouri.

If you are concerned about safe medical procedures while you or your loved ones need radiology or radiation therapy services in Missouri, please contact your state Senator and House representative. Ask them where their commitment lies; is it driven by the need to protect Missourians who need Radiology healthcare services? Healthcare is very personal but quality and safe procedures are vital to each of us.

Respectfully submitted,

Diane Hutton, BA, RT(R) ARRT

Missouri citizen concerned with Radiology Healthcare

Celebrate those that inspire you!

The Missouri Society of Radiologic Technologists, Board of Directors would like to celebrate those that go above and beyond and deserve recognition for the work that they do. Please go to the following form and let us know who you think deserves recognition! You may see your story published in an upcoming issue of The Radiographer as well as on our website and Facebook pages.

Click HERE to be taken to the form.

...and now a message from incoming MoSRT President Brandi Grindel.

Hello fellow MoSRT members, imaging professionals, students, and friends,

Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve as your MoSRT President for the 2020-2021 term. I am very excited to start this journey and hope to continue the professional growth of the society. If you are not a current MoSRT member, I highly encourage you to join. As a technologist, some of the perks of having a membership are but not limited to: networking with other imaging professionals across the state, obtaining continuing education credits, and staying up-to-date on current professional changes. As a student, I encourage you to continue your membership after graduation to also enjoy these perks. We are always looking for new faces to serve on the Board of Directors. If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please don’t hesitate to contact me or any of the Board of Directors.

In addition to increasing the society’s membership, I would also like to see the passing of our current Licensure bill. I encourage each and everyone of you to keep contacting your legislators to enhance this process. If you need help or information in determining who your legislator is or how to contact them, or specific information on events, such as RT in JC, please keep an eye out on our society website

I want each and everyone of you to know that the MoSRT Board of Directors is working hard to provide the best opportunity to get a virtual meeting with some CEU’s included for its members. We also will be providing any bylaw changes and the current budget for you to review and vote on as members. As soon as the details are set, we will provide you with the updated information.

Thank you again for allowing me to serve as the President of the MoSRT and I am looking forward to an exciting year! If you ever have any questions, please reach out to any of our Board of Directors. A list of these individuals is listed on our website under the About Us tab, then go to the Board of Directors. Stay safe and well, and please know that we are here to serve you as imaging professionals.

Thanks again,

Brandi Grindel, M.Ed. R.T. ( R )

MoSRT President

Student Quiz Bowl Co-Chair

Covid-19 and the MoSRT 2020 Annual Conference

Dear MoSRT Member:

The MoSRT has been closely monitoring the developing COVID-19 (coronavirus) situation. At this time, the Board of Directors has made the decision to cancel the Annual MoSRT Conference due to the CDC recommendations for the COVID-19 virus. The health and safety of our members is our number one priority and limiting exposure to help prevent the spread of this virus in large group settings. Many colleges and healthcare facilities have placed travel bans on employees and students to help protect their staff and this therefore has caused logistical challenges for the Society.  The Society is making every effort to reschedule the conference. Information will be distributed once the Board of Directors meets and has the opportunity to discuss potential dates and hotel availability.

 As radiologic technologists and radiography students attending our conference are coming from and returning to hospitals on the front lines of caring for people who are most vulnerable to the COVID-19 infection, it is in the best interests of the citizens of Missouri for the MoSRT.  

Please bear with us as full refunds are processed to registrants that have previously paid. Contact with any questions regarding refunding. If you have already made a hotel reservation using the MoSRT code, the hotel will be canceling your reservations for you and will notify you when completed.

Additional information regarding conference exhibits, essays, and scholarships are forthcoming.

We truly regret to inform you of this decision; however, your health is of utmost importance to the MoSRT.  Providing continuing education, advocating, and your support is very important to the MoSRT, however you and your student’s health are of utmost importance.


Best Regards,

MoSRT Board of Directors